Sunday, May 3, 2009

Time after Time

Time is flying,

If we just used one clock for each day
How many clocks would be thrown away?
Time.. it goes by so quick
and life goes by so fast
Can't time just stick
can we not make it last?
If we were to rewind
these many clocks in our lives
would we do things different
would we feel less blind?
Tomorrow, next week, next year
the future is soooo unclear
should we embrace the mystery
or should we cling to the fear?
Although it is scary...shoo
it does make us sweat...
we should live in the present
Live for Today....don't forget.

I am sitting in my dorm....reflecting over this past year. I only have five more days left in my freshman year of that not C-R-A-Z-Y?! Looking back it has gone by sooo fast and I cannot even explain the experiences, changes, and emotions I have gone through while at Lipscomb. It has been amazing..scary...exhilarating..the list goes on. My experiences and my freshman year can be explained in a later post, right now I want to simply acknowledge the mystery of time. How does it go by so fast? How does it sometimes go by so slow? The future...the is another aspect of time that daunts me...haunts me. (there I go rhyming again). 

This summer...ahh summer. It will be amazing! I am so excited to see my friends, family, dog, and be off school for a while. I will be sad to leave behind me new friends, the Lipscomb atmosphere, Nashville, and my freshman year and the knowledge that next year will be completely different. Now different is not necessarily a bad's just...different. This summer will be quite different also. I must find a job and balance my new found freedom with the restrictions of living at home :)..(always a challenge) 

I am so excited about the summer... and my next year at good 'ol LU. Is it possible I will be a sophomore..not in high school dear friends, no...a sophomore in college. I have to start figuring out a direction in life. whoa...daunting. Thank you communications with consulting/research concentration and public relations minor..glad I have you figured out at least. 

It's funny how I am kind of worrying/obsessing about the future while this whole time at the top of my blog, in big letters may I add, are the words "LIVING FOR TODAY". It is merely my third post and I have already forgotten to simply live in the for today. hah....yes..time you do go by quite fast, but time that is graciously given to me by the Lord should be time well spent...Amen ? Sooo let tomorrow fend for itself and set aside my silly worries/fears/anticipations. This blog will remind me that although I do get caught up in time and all the many clocks in my life, I can always relax and find peace in the fact that God will be with me and I need to take time to enjoy life. I leave you now...dear blog in hopes to find a good nights sleep with peaceful, comforting dreams. 

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