Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Breathe in...Breathe out

Meditation is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the reflexive, 
"thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness.

Last semester I took the English Seminar class "Journey to Self and Spirt." This class proved to be very beneficial. We discussed different kinds of religions and methods. Meditation was one of my favorite aspects of this Seminar class. For a month I meditated regularly and found that it is truly an incredible experience. 
In this day and age we are always on the go. When do we ever just sit down and relax. By relax, I do not mean sit in front of the tv and stare blankly at it. We need to take more time to just sit and be in the presence of God completely mindful of our mind, body, and inner self. We are human "beings" not human doings. We don't always have to be doing something! Ever since I have gotten out of the practice of meditation I have noticed how little time I give to myself. By just being...sitting down and maybe playing some relaxing ocean sounds in the background while just breathing and opening up my inner being to relax and have a mind free from the worries, hassles, and daily stresses of life. With finals and moving out of the dorm soon, I have found my need to constantly be doing something grow more and more each day. I want to change that. 

take time to breathe in...breathe out. Reflect in the beauty around us that God has blessed us with. Take in the moments of life that have been given to us and enjoy them. Let's not always be on the go...let's take time to Breathe...exist....be.

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