Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sword fight...kid's night

It is that time of the week....Chick Fila kid's night! Not just any kids night...it was our last kid's night of the semester. This thursday we will all part for our separate homes for summer. Every week at kids night there is a man with white overalls who makes balloon animals and such. Well...with it being our last hooorah we all got BALLOON SWORDS! A lovely time was had by all. We had too much fun with the balloons but thats always ok on Kid's Night! After chick fila we just hung out and had a Walmart run. Life is Good.
Here's to Chick fila! :)

Breathe in...Breathe out

Meditation is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the reflexive, 
"thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness.

Last semester I took the English Seminar class "Journey to Self and Spirt." This class proved to be very beneficial. We discussed different kinds of religions and methods. Meditation was one of my favorite aspects of this Seminar class. For a month I meditated regularly and found that it is truly an incredible experience. 
In this day and age we are always on the go. When do we ever just sit down and relax. By relax, I do not mean sit in front of the tv and stare blankly at it. We need to take more time to just sit and be in the presence of God completely mindful of our mind, body, and inner self. We are human "beings" not human doings. We don't always have to be doing something! Ever since I have gotten out of the practice of meditation I have noticed how little time I give to myself. By just being...sitting down and maybe playing some relaxing ocean sounds in the background while just breathing and opening up my inner being to relax and have a mind free from the worries, hassles, and daily stresses of life. With finals and moving out of the dorm soon, I have found my need to constantly be doing something grow more and more each day. I want to change that. 

take time to breathe in...breathe out. Reflect in the beauty around us that God has blessed us with. Take in the moments of life that have been given to us and enjoy them. Let's not always be on the go...let's take time to Breathe...exist....be.


Its 3:30 a.m. and we just finished My Girl 2. Not only did this movie provide us with an excellent soundtrack but it also was really sweet and a little more happy than the first one. Vada goes to California to learn about her mom because of a report she has to do for a class. She is trying to discover her mother's greatest achievement in life. Along the way she has many adventures and many stops to the different people who were in her Mother's life. It all leads to the discovery that her mom's biggest ambition was to have a child. Although it was because of complications in labor with Vada that she died, 
Vada was her greatest achievement.
 I will admit, there were still tears in this movie. When Vada is watching a video of her mom singing "Smile though your heart is aching....." brought some tears. Vada discovers a lot of things while on this voyage to learning about her Mother's life. There is a lot of growing up done on her part also. Thomas J. is mentioned in this film and of course the mood ring with it's sentimental value is also brought up. :) It was a really sweet movie and did I mention the endearing little relationship between her and that cute boy to the left, Nick. They have a precious goodbye kiss that got quite a response from the ladies in the room. lol Now that the My Girl Movie Marathon is at a close..I suppose its time to study for my final tomorrow. haha

Monday, May 4, 2009

All Nighter...small reminder

So me and Meredith, Kayla, and Jordan are pulling an all nighter tonight because of finals tomorrow and we thought ..."hey why not have a movie playing in the background?" So we put in My Girl. This is fun and all but can we say water works.....when Vada finds out about Thomas J. and is in denial, I just ball. This all nighter/movie night turned into quite the reminder that life is short and (as mentioned in previous post) time flies. We need to live life to the fullest. Love to the fullest. Vada was upset that she never told Thomas J. that he was her best friend. I encourage everyone to always express to the people who are special to you how important they are in your life. We should never take our many blessings for granted. Take advantage of every moment we have together.  :)

Next My Girl 2....haven't seen this one but be prepared for another post if another lesson is learned. (Hopefully I will still learn from my study guide while watching)

Hit the road jack..

This picture made me smile today
This summer will be absolutely incredible:
ROAD TRIPS with Rachel and the rest of my loverly cleveland
crew. Whether it is the river, park, restaurant, the list goes on, but no matter 
Where we go it will be a BLAST! I need a good long break from school and I see
No better way than a good 'ol road trip! haha So yes....this summer will be 
amazing and I am supa pumped...
Here's to summer...cheers.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Inspirations from Shuffle

What are you listening to?
I personally love putting my itunes on shuffle and just let the music play.
Now...I admit I love me some Josh Groban, but when I have over 4500 songs and three Josh Groban songs play in a row, while on shuffle, it proves that my collection is quite large. My friend Amelia re-introduced me to Josh Groban music this summer. I knew I loved his music, but WOW...he truly is an amazing performer. So much talent, not to mention him being a simply adorable human being. Listening to his interviews and interactions with people while stalking him 
On youtube has shown me how great of a person and performer he is. Something that is also fun about having itunes, mine in particular, on shuffle is the numerous times a disney song comes on. Yes, I have quite the Disney collection also. I am not ashamed. :) haha

 I love many different types and styles of music. It is so much fun to listen to my friends' music preferences also because it shows a different style and side of them that you may not know about your friends. That is why I want my friends to make me a mixed cd of some of their favorite songs that they want to represent there style
and musical preferance. It will be a FUN exchange game! I will in turn also make a nice little mix of some fun favorite songs of mine to give to them. This will all happen over the summer so, good news, it will mean we will get mail from each other and it's a fun way to keep in touch this summer! YAY...I am pumped
Dear friends, this is going to happen this summer. Although I have not told many of you about this blog, the ones I have will read it and then pass on the rules by word of mouth. Here's the deal. One person, being me, will send a mixed cd to one friend, being one of you, and whoever gets it will in turn send me back a mixed fun cd along with picking another one or two of our friends to send one to also. Then when they get the cd from you they will send you back one and pick two other people to send one to. Its a "chain effect" or whatever and this will be a lot of fun.
Who knew that by simply taking a study break to put my itunes on shuffle I would be so inspired to come up with this little scheme. :) haha this will be a lot of fun and I hope it doesn't fall through. it won't though so no worries!

Time after Time

Time is flying,

If we just used one clock for each day
How many clocks would be thrown away?
Time.. it goes by so quick
and life goes by so fast
Can't time just stick
can we not make it last?
If we were to rewind
these many clocks in our lives
would we do things different
would we feel less blind?
Tomorrow, next week, next year
the future is soooo unclear
should we embrace the mystery
or should we cling to the fear?
Although it is scary...shoo
it does make us sweat...
we should live in the present
Live for Today....don't forget.

I am sitting in my dorm....reflecting over this past year. I only have five more days left in my freshman year of college..is that not C-R-A-Z-Y?! Looking back it has gone by sooo fast and I cannot even explain the experiences, changes, and emotions I have gone through while at Lipscomb. It has been amazing..scary...exhilarating..the list goes on. My experiences and my freshman year can be explained in a later post, right now I want to simply acknowledge the mystery of time. How does it go by so fast? How does it sometimes go by so slow? The future...the is another aspect of time that daunts me...haunts me. (there I go rhyming again). 

This summer...ahh summer. It will be amazing! I am so excited to see my friends, family, dog, and be off school for a while. I will be sad to leave behind me new friends, the Lipscomb atmosphere, Nashville, and my freshman year and the knowledge that next year will be completely different. Now different is not necessarily a bad thing..it's just...different. This summer will be quite different also. I must find a job and balance my new found freedom with the restrictions of living at home :)..(always a challenge) 

I am so excited about the summer... and my next year at good 'ol LU. Is it possible I will be a sophomore..not in high school dear friends, no...a sophomore in college. I have to start figuring out a direction in life. whoa...daunting. Thank you communications with consulting/research concentration and public relations minor..glad I have you figured out at least. 

It's funny how I am kind of worrying/obsessing about the future while this whole time at the top of my blog, in big letters may I add, are the words "LIVING FOR TODAY". It is merely my third post and I have already forgotten to simply live in the moment..live for today. hah....yes..time you do go by quite fast, but time that is graciously given to me by the Lord should be time well spent...Amen ? Sooo let tomorrow fend for itself and set aside my silly worries/fears/anticipations. This blog will remind me that although I do get caught up in time and all the many clocks in my life, I can always relax and find peace in the fact that God will be with me and I need to take time to enjoy life. I leave you now...dear blog in hopes to find a good nights sleep with peaceful, comforting dreams.